Consent Form for Participation in Research Survey

You are being invited to participate in a research study titled Designing a Discovery Profile for ‘Rise Up: Neurodiversity in the Workplace’ for Adults on the Autism Spectrum. This study is being done by Heidi Stieglitz Ham, Ph.D. from Rice University. You were selected to participate in this study because you are 18 years of age or older and are an adult who is on the autism spectrum. In addition, English is your primary language, and you have normal or corrected vision, and your hearing acuity within the range required for speech perception and intact motor skills.

The purpose of this research study is to determine if assessments for personality and thinking styles effectively measure the personality and thinking styles of adults on the autism spectrum. If you agree to take part in this study, you will be asked to complete a series of online assessments. These assessments will ask questions about your temperament, judgement and reasoning, and motives, values, and preferences. The Hogan Assessments include 4 assessments that take 15-20 minutes to complete, and one that takes about 30 minutes. The Fast Forward Works assessments include 3 assessments at 30 minutes each. You will receive a summary of your results after completion.

To the best of our knowledge, the things you will be doing have no more risk of harm than you would experience in everyday life. We will minimize any risks by preserving confidentiality and participants will be identified by number or initials only. All data/results will be kept strictly confidential and will be stored in computer files at Hogan Assessments and FastForward Analytics. Your participation in this study is completely voluntary and you can withdraw at any time. You are free to skip any question that you choose.

Security and privacy are very important for Hogan Assessments, Spectrum Fusion, and Fast Forward Analytics. We use a variety of industry-standard administrative, physical, and security technologies and procedures to help protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. We also require you to enter a password to access your account information. Hogan strives to protect the security of your information during transmission by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software, which encrypts information you input on protected sites. FFA does not collect and/or store any individual information about participants on their servers. We only collect general demographic data that are used for result classification purposes.

Each participant is given a unique access code and FFA does not collect and/or record any connection between the actual participant and individual access token. Additionally, all data on our servers are encrypted in accordance with most recent data protection standards.

Your records will be kept confidential and will not be released without your consent.
Your identity will be kept private.
If the results of this study are written in a scientific journal or presented at a scientific meeting, your name will not be used.

Rice IRB Number: IRB-FY2020-337

If you have questions about this project or if you have a research-related problem, you may contact the researcher(s), Heidi Stieglitz Ham, Ph.D. at

For questions about your rights as a research participant, or to discuss problems, concerns or suggestions related to the research, or to obtain information or offer input about the research, contact if you have questions pertaining to your rights as a research participant; or to report objections to this study, you should contact Joanna Espinosa, Compliance Administrator, at Rice University. Email: or Telephone: 713-348-3586. Please reference Rice IRB Number: IRB-FY2020-337