At Spectrum Fusion we continue the work with our Reactor Room nominees long after their initial Reactor Room experience. We assess how they are progressing along with their options, opportunities, and connections that they have been offered, and we update them on new opportunities as we support them on their journeys to self-reliance. I myself have maintained consistent contact with many of the people I’ve met through Spectrum Fusion, Dr. Ham most prominently. In doing so, we have the privilege to watch many of the fascinating and exciting developments happening in the lives of the Reactor Room nominees, and celebrate with them in their successes

One of the members of the Reactor Room who has had an exciting journey so far is a young lady by the name of Sable. Sable is a twenty-eight-year-old young woman with multiple talents. She is intelligent and articulate, and graduated from the University of Houston with a degree in Psychology. She also earned her certification in phlebotomy. Currently Sable works part at an insurance company. Unfortunately, despite her degrees, certifications, talent, and intelligence, she has often been overlooked for various advancement opportunities, and she reported that she does not feel fulfilled.


Sable is creative and artistic.  In fact, she started her own jewelry line and named her “store” Jewels ‘N’ Art by Sable. Sable creates home decorations and designs her own one-of-a-kind jewelry pieces. Over the years, she became very skilled at this craft.

Sable participated in the second Reactor Room event held on September 28th. There, it was determined that the best course of action for her would be to pursue her interests, both in the medical field and in jewelry making simultaneously. It would also be good for her to get out and socialize more amongst people that she felt comfortable with.

Since the Reactor Room, Sable has attended multiple events, including an art gallery showing/auction where a piece of art made by another Reactor Room participant was being put up for auction. Sable has slowly been growing more confident about ‘putting herself out there’, including making videos showcasing her jewelry. This continued exposure to other people will build her confidence over time.


Another exciting development for Sable, however, is the establishment of shadowing opportunities. The Shadowing Program was devised to help adults with autism enter into workplaces without actually being employed by them, expressly so that they can observe and absorb information about the profession that they wish to enter into. By “shadowing” professionals who are currently working in their desired fields, they can observe without necessarily having to be employed by the organization, giving them a much greater chance at being hired in the future.

With the establishment of a shadowing program, Sable is now capable of observing at a blood center. There, she will learn more about phlebotomy and be able to see in more detail what will be expected of her when she eventually gets hired and what specific position most interests her. It will also strengthen her resume by allowing her to tell prospective employers that she has enough experience to be considered for a position. What’s more, this will also expose her to a greater number of people and allow her to work more on her socialization skills and anxiety in a safe environment so that she will be better prepared when the day comes she is eventually hired.

It was this concern that I myself held, and have heard expressed to me since, about joining Spectrum Fusion.

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